SESA Tournaments

SESA Tournaments

SESA hosts 3 tournaments each year.

Fall (October)- Monster Match

Winter (February)- Turf Wars 4v4

Spring (May)- Mississippi Cup

Our tournaments offer a unique playing environment for competitive teams. Games are played on the immaculate Burlington RecPlex fields, and brand new soccer specific FunCity Turf Indoor Field. Burlington and the surrounding area offers plenty of restaurants, hotels, parks, and other leisurely activities and amenities during the tournaments. Teams are appropriately matched in their divisions to provide the best competitive experience. Be sure to register your teams early as our tournaments do have a limit to the number of teams we are able to host. You do not want to miss out one some fo the best tournaments in the Midwest!

Have fun dressing up in themed team costumes at our Halloween inspired Monster Match event. Enjoy an out of this world light and sounds event with periodic light shows during the Turf Wars. New for the spring is the Mississippi Cup, which honors the rich history of local music and entertainment with live bands in the evening.

With a focus on hosting quality events that players and families can enjoy, we also have multiple food vendors to choose from, ample restrooms and sanitation stations, team awards photo area with stadium back drop, flamethrowers, and our large SESA champions trophy to pose with. In addition the the dozen fields at the RecPlex, some teams will also play in the new FunCity indoor soccer Turf, and at the incredible Bracewell Stadium, one of the top soccer stadiums in the Midwest.


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SESA- More Than Just a Tournament

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Contact Info

Southeast Soccer Academy
P.O. Box 394
Burlington, Iowa 52601
